Policy and Procedures relating to Student Admissions and Enrolment

Russbridge Academy follows a strict Admission Policy. Each student has to accept the terms and conditions of the Policy at the time of admission at Russbridge Academy

Terms and Conditions

  1. Russbridge Academy only accepts students who are at least 18 years old prior to the commencement of their programme. Any student who does not meet this requirement should not be accepted. There are no exceptions.
  2. The Institution requires students to attend all lectures and classes and to submit written work and attend all tests and examinations.
  3. Russbridge Academy WILL ONLY assign Certificates of Sponsorship to those students who, to the best of our knowledge, meet the requirements of the Immigration Department as specified in the immigration rules. Russbridge Academy reserves the right to withdraw/terminate learner/learners from a course when/if necessary.
  4. Applicants from overseas are reminded that they must comply with the Immigration department policies, particularly, in respect of attendance, notification of change of contact details/personal circumstances and satisfactory progress at the Institution during their period of study. Students must give good reasons along with supporting evidence for absence and will be accepted only if the Institution finds it genuine and acceptable. Any unauthorised absences will be reported to the Immigration department.
  5. The Institution will keep all students’ passport pages, showing all personal details (including biometric details) and leave stamps or immigration status documents – including evidence of their entitlement to study in the country and the period that they have permission to stay. The Institution will update these records as necessary. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they will notify the Institution immediately if there is any change in their contact details e.g. address, telephone number, mobile telephone number, or any other change in their personal circumstances. The student can notify any changes by completing the Change of Details Form manually or by using the self-service system in the Student Management Systems (SMS).
  6. Students’ must provide the details of their next of kin at the time of application and notify the Institution immediately should there is any change pertaining to their next of kin.
  7. The Institution will report to the Immigration Department if any student fails to enrol on their course within the enrolment period.
  8. The Institution will report to the Immigration Department if any student discontinues their studies which include any deferrals of study.
  9. The Institution will also report to the Immigration Department if there is any significant changes in students’ circumstances e.g., if the length of a course of study shortens.
  10. If Russbridge Academy authority has any information which suggests that the students’ are breaching the conditions of their leave, immigration department will be notified immediately.
  11. Students’ at Russbridge Academy will only be allowed to re-sit examinations or repeat any part of their course up to two times per individual examination or module.
  12. All courses at Russbridge Academy will lead to an ‘approved qualification’.
  13. Russbridge Academy will assess whether the prospective students’ will meet the financial (maintenance) requirements for of local immigration requirements
  14. If it is discovered by the authority of the Institution that a student has supplied false information or documents to support his/her application to get admitted into the institution, his/her admission will be terminated from the Institution and the Immigration Department will be notified immediately.
  15. Enrolment for a course, together with the payment of the required deposit, creates a binding agreement to follow the course and to pay the full fee. All fees must be settled prior to the commencement of the course. If instalments option is chosen, the fees must be settled as per the agreed instalments.
  16. Students’ attention is drawn to the English Language skills requirement, satisfaction of which is a fundamental condition to the admission to the Institution.
  17. In the event of cancellation, for whatever reason, the following conditions will apply: i) Cancellations must be made in writing and will only be considered to have been made on the date on which they are received by the Admissions. ii) For cancellations which are received before two weeks of the course commencement date, a non-refundable registration fee of £100.00 will be deducted and any balance held will be refunded.
  18. Where cancellations/withdrawal occurred after two weeks of the course commencement date, for whatever reason, no refund will be given. In the event that the cancellation is received within two weeks of the course commencement date, the refund will be at the discretion of the Institution.
  19. Overseas students should note that where a statement has been sent to the local immigration departments to support a student visa application, the Institution must notify the local immigration departments of any cancellation.
  20. For students who are not successful in obtaining a visa a refund will be granted after a deduction of the non-refundable registration fee £100.00, on the receipt of completed Refund Request Form along with the required documents. Any such request must be made within three months from the date of the refusal.
  21. All the students have to pay the registration and examination fees for the awarding body depending upon the terms and conditions of admission. If any student fails to pay the examination fee in time, he or she will not be allowed to undergo the final examination.
  22. The tuition fees should not be paid to anyone else but to the Institution. Students are reminded not to deposit tuition fees with third parties or send money to the Institution by post. Some of the Institutions approved overseas representatives will accept bank drafts, made payable to the Institution only. Students are encouraged not to pay any or all of their tuition fees to overseas representatives; if any deposit is paid a receipt must be obtained from the Institution immediately, signed by an authorised person and stamped. The Institution advises the students to email or inform the Institution whenever they make payments to the overseas agents/consultants. If the students have any doubts, they should contact the Institution over phone, fax or email.
  23. An offer of a course place is for a specific intake. Any fees paid will be carried forward to the next available intake only if the reason for seeking such a transfer is that the student was unable to register in time for the expected intake because delays were experienced in securing a visa or any other legitimate grounds which can be supported by documents. Course deferment may be granted subject to the rules and regulations of the Immigration department concerning international students.
  24. Programme details are correct at the time of going to press but are subject to alteration.
  25. Where students change their course of study during the term, no refund will be given for the revised course if it involves fewer subjects. Additional fees will be payable for the revised course if it involves an increased number of subjects to that for which original enrolment was accepted.
  26. The Institution reserves the right to cancel a course with four weeks notice prior to the commencement date for the course whereupon any fee paid will be refunded in full.
  27. The Institution reserves the right to withdraw a subject up to four weeks after the published commencement date where it considers that it is not viable, whereupon an alternative subject will be offered on a pro-rata refund of the course fee given.
  28. Students will be allowed to enrol on a course of study as late-entrants within two weeks of the commencement of the course in the exceptional circumstances with supporting evidence (subject to immigration department regulations). After two weeks of the commencement of the course, no student will be allowed to join as late-entrant.
  29. For courses leading to qualifications awarded by External Awarding Bodies, students must satisfy and be agreed to be bound by the Regulations of the respective Awarding Body prior to enrolment, and any subsequent amendments made thereto from time to time.
  30. Students wishing to gain exemptions should liaise with the respective course providers e.g. ACCA. Students are not entitled to a refund of fees pertinent to the part of the programme they have been exempted for.
  31. Students must be prepared to supply original copies of the qualifications listed in the Application Form (Educational and Other Relevant Qualifications). A student’s application may be invalidated if he/she cannot supply original copies.
  32. Copies of the Educations Certificates must be certified by Russbridge Academy
  33. The Institution may contact the overseas Awarding Bodies in cases of doubts as to the authenticity of overseas certificates.
  34. The Institution reserves the right to require a student to leave a course at any stage if the student does not fulfil the above requirements, if a student’s continual presence would, in the opinion of the Institution, be detrimental to the well-being of staff, other students or the Institution generally or if a student does not meet his or her financial obligations. Any fee refunded to an excluded student is wholly at the discretion of the Institution.
  35. The Institution wholeheartedly embraces the concept of Equal Opportunity, and makes every effort to promote it in and out of its premises. The applications of students from diverse backgrounds are treated equally and fairly. It is imperative that applicants disclose any special needs clearly in their application so that the Admissions Office can examine how far the Institution is physically able to provide the necessary support.
  36. The contractual relationship between a student and the Institution shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Russbridge Academy Policy and laws of their country.

Admission and Enrolment Process

  1. All prospective students wishing to study at Russbridge Academy have to complete and submit the Institution Application Form which can be done via email, fax, and post or in person.
  2. Where the application is submitted though the Agent, the Agent will make an initial assessment of the students’ ability to study at Russbridge Academy In making the initial assessment, the Agent will have particular regard to the following factors i.e. Previous Qualifications/Experience, Course Entry Requirements, English Language Proficiency, Visa Status, and Financial Ability (maintenance) to study. After the initial assessment, the documents will be finally assessed by the Institution and decision will be taken as to whether or not to accept the student at Russbridge Academy
  3. Where the application will be submitted directly to the Institution, the Institution will make the assessment by considering the students’ Previous Qualifications/Experience, Course Entry Requirements, English Language Proficiency, Visa Status, and Financial Ability (maintenance) to study in the country
  4. The initial decision regarding the admission will be taken by the Admissions Officer, while the final decision must be taken and confirmed by the Academic Head or Chief Executive.
  5. On acceptance of the application, based on the information provided by the student in the completed Application Form and copies of the documents enclosed, the Institution will send a Conditional Offer Letter which will state that the Institution is willing to offer the student a place on the course subject to the payment of the tuition fee in full or in instalments, and/or after receiving all the required documents, the conditions of which will be stated in the Letter.
  6. All successful overseas applicants to any of the Russbridge Academy programmes are required to pay a minimum deposit plus non-refundable registration fee £100.00 to accept their place.
  7. Upon receiving the deposit and/or the required documents, the Institution will send the prospective student a Confirmation of Acceptance Letter and other relevant documents which he/she can present to the authorities concerned, e.g. Immigration departments, local authorities in the student’s country of origin.
  8. When students arrive at Russbridge Academy they will be welcomed to the campus during enrolment day. Enrolment is the administration process that students have to attend when they first arrive at the Institution, and it will involve registering for classes, settling any outstanding fees, collecting books (if applicable), and timetables. It is also an opportunity for the students to meet academic and administrative staff, and collect any letters/documents, open a bank account, apply for student discount card, and much more.
  9. Upon arrival at the Institution, for the full enrolment procedure, the students will have to provide the original copies of the qualifications listed in the Application Form and/or other required documents (e.g. Awarding Body Registration confirmation).
  10. The Institution will ensure that prior to the Induction Day, fee arrangements are in place and Student ID card and other relevant documents are ready for Students’ collection.
  11. Each student will be given a copy of the Student Handbook.

Documents to be presented at enrolment by the students             

Students must submit the following documents at enrolment:

  • Three passport-sized photographs
  • Photocopies of qualifications (if in a language other than English, please provide English translations certified by a relevant authority)
  • Evidence of work experience, where applicable
  • Passport with Valid Visa
  • Confirmation of Acceptance Letter issued by the Institution
  • Registration document issued by the relevant awarding body (if applicable)
  • Address (with postcode), telephone number/mobile telephone number and e-mail address
  • Overseas address (with postcode), telephone number/mobile telephone number and e-mail ID 

Documents to be presented at enrolment by the Institution

  • Welcome Pack
  • Health and Safety Instructions
  • Who is who
  • Student Handbook
  • Enrolment and other letters (e.g. NI Letter)
  • ID Card
  • Class Time-table
  • Personal Tutor’s details
  • Change of Contact Details Form