Policy Statement
Russbridge Academy is committed to upholding and promoting freedom of speech as a fundamental principle within our institution. We recognize the importance of creating an environment that fosters open and respectful dialogue, critical thinking, and the free exchange of ideas. This policy outlines our commitment to protecting and facilitating freedom of speech while maintaining a safe and inclusive learning community.


1.1. Freedom of Speech: We respect and uphold the right to freedom of speech, as protected by law, including the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Education (No. 2) Act 1986.

1.2. Open and Inclusive Environment: We strive to create a safe, inclusive, and intellectually stimulating environment that encourages the exploration of diverse perspectives, ideas, and opinions.

1.3. Mutual Respect: We expect all members of the academic community, including students, staff, and visitors, to engage in respectful and civil discourse, even when there are disagreements or controversial subjects being discussed.

1.4. Academic Freedom: We acknowledge and support academic freedom, which enables scholars, researchers, and educators to pursue their work independently and without undue interference, promoting intellectual rigor and innovation.

Freedom of Expression

2.1. Protected Speech: We recognize the right to express opinions, thoughts, beliefs, and ideas, even if they are controversial or challenging, as long as they comply with the law and do not incite violence or discrimination.

2.2. Boundaries of Free Speech: While we encourage open discussion and debate, certain forms of expression may be subject to limitations, such as hate speech, harassment, defamation, incitement to violence, or speech that infringes on the rights of others.

2.3. Guest Speakers and External Events: We support the invitation of guest speakers and the hosting of external events that provide diverse perspectives and promote academic dialogue. However, any such arrangements must adhere to our policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with relevant legal requirements.


3.1. Protection from Harassment and Discrimination: We are committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive learning environment, free from harassment, discrimination, and intimidation. All members of the academic community have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect.

3.2. Academic Freedom: Faculty members have the right to explore and present a wide range of ideas and perspectives within their teaching and research activities, without fear of reprisal or censorship.

3.3. Student Rights and Responsibilities: Students have the right to express their views and engage in constructive dialogue. However, they are expected to do so in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others, adhering to our code of conduct.

3.4. Compliance with the Law: Freedom of speech does not exempt individuals from legal obligations. Any speech or expression that violates UK law will be subject to appropriate legal consequences.

Procedures and Grievances

4.1. Reporting Concerns: Individuals who believe that their freedom of speech has been unjustly restricted, or who have witnessed any violations of this policy, should report their concerns to the Senior Leadership Team.

4.2. Investigation and Resolution: Complaints will be thoroughly and impartially investigated, following established procedures, and appropriate measures will be taken to address any proven violations of this policy.

4.3. Appeals: Individuals who are dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint may have the right to appeal through the designated appeals process, as outlined in our policies and procedures.

Communication and Education

5.1. Awareness and Training: We will provide ongoing training and educational programs to raise awareness about freedom of speech rights and responsibilities, promoting an understanding of the principles outlined in this policy.

Monitoring and Review

6.1 The Freedom of Speech policy will be monitored on an annual basis by Academic Board.