The purpose of this Tuition Fee Refund and Compensation Policy is to provide guidance on when Russbridge Academy Ltd (‘the College’) may make refunds of tuition fees and consider paying compensation to students.

This policy should be read alongside the Russbridge Academy Ltd’s Student Protection Plan.

Policy Statement
2.1. Responsibility: Students are responsible for the payment of all tuition fees irrespective of whether they are funded by the Student Loans Company, self-funded or sponsored by a third party. However, fee liability is dependent on the timing and/or circumstances in which a student leaves the College.

2.2 Withdrawal / Cancellation: There may be circumstances in which a student cancels their place or withdraws from their course. It is also possible that the College will terminate a student’s place. A refund of tuition fees and/or compensation may be appropriate in these circumstances.

2.2. Continuation of Study: The College acknowledges that it may not be possible to preserve continuity of study for one or more students such that a refund of fees and / or compensation might be appropriate. Similarly, a student may not be permitted to continue their studies into the next year if tuition fees remain outstanding.

The College will only consider claims for refunds of tuition fees where:

  1. a student who has already paid cancels their place within the 14-day cancellation period;
  2. a student withdraws from their course of study;
  • the College terminates a student’s course of study;
  1. the College is no longer able to deliver a student’s course of study;
  2. a student has made an overpayment.

3.2. Cancellation: If you cancel your place within the 14-day cooling-off period, you will not be liable to the College for tuition fees.

3.3. Withdrawal / Termination: If you withdraw from your course or are required to withdraw by the College (termination) after the 14 day cooling off period, you may be entitled to a tuition fee refund. The College will confirm the official date of withdrawal/termination.

3.4 Payment: Refunds are not paid in cash and will only be made to the original source. Where the tuition fee is paid by Student Loan Company (SLC), the College will make a refund to the SLC. Where the tuition fee is paid directly by the student a refund will be made to the student account from which the money was paid to the College. Where the tuition fee is paid by an external sponsor, a refund will be made to that sponsor.

Any overpayment of tuition fees will be refunded to the original source.

5.1 Eligibility: The College aims to ensure that the student learning experience is delivered and maintained at all times. The College will endeavour to mitigate the effects of any minor changes to course content or delivery. In the event that continuation of study is disrupted, the College will consider paying affected students compensation to address consequential additional expenditure. Payment of compensation is subject to the provision of appropriate evidence that the additional expenditure has been incurred.

5.2. Accommodation: In the event that part or all of the campus is rendered unusable for activities involving students, the College would usually consider remedies such as:

  • relocating provision to an alternative location, this may include hiring spaces for programme delivery (where possible nearby, but definitely in or around Rainham)
  • Rescheduling the timetabled hours to allow all of the scheduled teaching to take part in the available facilities. This may include student contact sessions being held outside of usual planned hours. Where such an approach is taken, appropriate consultation will normally be conducted with students and stakeholders who may be affected.
  • Delivering part or all of programmes through alternative means, such as distance learning. Where such an approach is taken, the College will consider whether this is appropriate for students who would be affected.
  • In the event that any student may not be able to move their studies to an alternative location, or engage with alternative modes of study for credible and demonstrable reasons, the College would consider, where appropriate; possible refunds if students had to change providers or; compensating students if, because of disruption to their studies, they suffer demonstrable, financial loss.

6.3. Relocation: If the College moves location to different premises, students will be consulted and account will be taken of any inconvenience likely to be caused. The College will, if appropriate, consider compensating students affected for consequential costs such as additional expenditure on transport.

6.4. Continuation of Study: In the unlikely event that the Russbridge Academy Ltd was not able to preserve continuation of study or where students have to transfer to a different course of study within the Russbridge Academy Ltd, the payment of compensation for tuition and maintenance costs will be considered. Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis and the factors which will be considered include:

  • The course of study and circumstances for non-continuation
  • Any mitigation that Russbridge Academy Ltd has put in place
  • Tuition fees and maintenance costs of any study which has to be repeated
  • Any additional tuition fees or maintenance costs as a result of transferring
  • Any additional travel costs incurred as a result of changing location
  • Relocation costs
  • Any distress and inconvenience that has been caused by Russbridge Academy Ltd

6.5. Transfer: Where a student has to transfer to another higher education provider to complete their programme of study the College will support students to transfer to appropriate programmes at other providers and, if appropriate, financially compensate students where they suffer demonstrable, material financial loss because of disruption to their studies.

How to apply for refund or compensation
Claims for compensation made by a student or group of students must be made in writing to the Principal of Russbridge Academy Ltd. The claim should contain as much information as possible and the basis for any estimates of costs should be clearly set out. All claims will be considered by a Compensation Panel consisting of the Principal, Registrar and an independent member of the College Board of Governors. The panel will adopt an evidence-based approach and deal with any claims made sympathetically. The Panel will also consider awarding compensation if a particular cohort of students or all students are affected by a significant disruption.

Complaints and appeals
Any student with a complaint relating to this Tuition Fee Refund and Compensation Policy should use the College Complaints Policy and Procedure available on the college website.